Info about Summer School

2 May 2017 by Kelsea Sollberger

Dear Cheerleaders and Parents,

As discussed in Sunday’s meeting, we are hoping to incorporate residential camp into our WCHS Cheer Program more regularly to give cheerleaders the opportunity to attend this type of camp during their high school cheering career. Please understand we as a program believe academics come first and strive to not interfere with any academic programming; however, we were not able to secure the NCA residential camp at a time that did not interfere with summer school this year.

After many questions about the conflict between summer school and the residential camp, we encourage cheerleaders and their parents to make an informed decision. Before making the choice of which camp to attend, please consider the following information carefully. The summer school policy states students may miss 3 days of summer school and still be eligible to pass the course. If a student misses a 4th day, for any reason, he/she will be withdrawn from the course without any credit and with no reimbursement of payment. If you plan to take a summer school course, please take a look into the summer school policies carefully before making a decision about which camp to attend.

Cheerleaders have the opportunity to attend either Camp Jeff here at WCHS on June 6th and 7th for $130 or NCA Camp at Carthage College in Kenosha, WI on July 10-12th for $350. Both camps will offer the chance for cheerleaders to work with top cheerleading professionals and improve their cheerleading skills. Camp material that we choose to adapt into our program will be re-taught during regularly scheduled practices by WCHS cheer coaches and experienced cheerleaders. The choice of which camp you attend is solely up to you and will not be used in the decision making process of determining future squads.

We apologize for any inconvenience. Please contact Coach Sollberger,, if you have any more questions. Please submit your $75 deposit for camp with a note of which camp you will attend, to the WCHS office or to Coach Sollberger by the end of the week.


Cheer Coaches

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